Monday, January 7, 2013

Single female looking for...


Happiest new years to all of my fanatical followers. I appreciate the love. Touli, good things come to those who wait. ;-)

My sincere apologies for not  posting earlier. (Insert any male excuse you've heard before). I will not attempt to insult your intelligence.  

It has come to my attention that some women have followed the Sex and the City story a tad too closely:  Girls nights out frequenting bars/dating sites/gyms?!! -  searching for Mr.Right and then complaining that all you've found is Mr. He never calls or texts me back. 

Whilst a great TV show it may be, Mr. Big marrying Carrie took 6 seasons, 96 episodes and a drab feature film for them to get hitched, so what's the rush? (I still don't know what the second film was about...anyone???!!)

I've spoken/responded to many a female's query about the waiting game and why if it's good for the goose (apt description) then why is it not good for the gander. There is a reasonable simple answer that dates back as far as history. Men!

Yes we crave the Wonder Woman who can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, but this is real life, it's not Hugh Hefner's latest edition of Playboy. We all love the idea that our woman is promiscuous behind closed doors, but this is something we want to find out a little further down the track than our first evening together. Here's why:

The youth of today has been privy to information and elicit footage that the Y Generation had to experience through embarrassing and somewhat exciting trial and error. These promiscuous youths of today are offering services that some adults still haven't experienced. Some services I still haven't experienced.

So let's break it down from a male perspective. I'm offered an evening of minimal discussion with maximum exertion and the ability to walk away with no questions asked. I'm taking it...8-10 times. Believe it or not, this becomes monotonous and boring to the best of us. We search for something more. Something different, something that reminds us that we enjoy the chase, the thrill of not knowing the inevitable. Men are primal and we love to be rewarded for things we do well...courting you for example.

This is a positive for you. It comes down to what you're willing to give, or in this case not give to get what you want. I understand that you also have needs, you may enjoy sex and the occasional orgasm. 

Buy a vibrator. The average time men last in bed is 12 minutes. Think about that for a moment... that means there is a heap of men that can pleasure stroke you for 8 minutes or less! You're really not missing out on that much. Surely that vibrating enjoyment device can save you some precious time till you find the man that wants to break the 12 minute barrier. 

Feel free to leave a comment below (anonymous if you wish).

Ill be in touch sooner than your last male companion.