Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wanna F#%K?


It all starts with…

Where were we? Ah, yes, the player and his conversation with his new found friends. Let’s recall his opening question. This is what the “players” refer to as the ice breaker, the approach, the pack bust (if in a group of friends) the extraction, project getaway. (now there’s a reality TV show I’d like to see, could even star in)

“ Excuse me,  I was hoping you could help me with a slight conundrum”. (Women love conundrums.) “My friend has been dating this girl for two months now, the other night his so called “friend” went to his house and saw a photo of him with his ex girlfriend, still in a frame proudly displayed in the living room. She was not impressed and demanded, ok asked for him to take it down.  Do you think she was in the wrong to ask him to take it down? ...I should make mention that his X recently passed away”.

I want to reiterate that most men cannot and do not approach women in this detailed way. If you are on the receiving end of this kind of approach, your spidey sense should be well and truly tingling. As much as he seems intriguing, he is also misleading.


The reason most men can only open (begin a conversation) with... “hello” is simply this: it’s extremely daunting for a male to build up enough courage to approach a single woman, let alone approaching you when you are amongst your friends.

Think back to your last social outing. Were you in a bar/nightclub, restaurant or café? Did you get that sensation of a strange set/s of eyes staring at you? Through you?. It doesn’t seem to end… You look up and there is a stranger who has locked onto you. Once he realises you realize, he looks away. 15 mins later that strange man that has been staring at you approaches and says “Hello” to which you will most likely coldly respond…ummm, “Hi”. Most of you wont respond at all. He walks off feeling dead inside. What was his mistake? Besides making you feel like you were a gift in a shop window?

Know this: “Players” have a 5 second rule. They will choose their target and as soon as she looks up and acknowledges the stare…Yes that same stare that the apparent weirdo was entertaining earlier. The "Player will approach" The difference is timing…A player will be over to you in a flash with some appropriate words of wisdom about your clothing, jewellery, shoes or lipstick. The conversation will not begin with what you many of you consider a simple and boring “hi”.

Why is this? Do you think that there may have been a significant  moment in time when a confidant male approached a female with a smile and said “ Hello”, the woman replied with a smile back… “hi” to which the man responded “wanna fuck?” …SLAP! From that day onwards the word “Hello” had two separate meanings for woman OR this could just be my warped sense of things.

However this would explain why today’s modern bad boy, “player”, had to adapt…evolve if you will. You know, if life gives you lemons…So they changed “the game”, they went about removing the word most women dread hearing when they are socializing and they replaced it with various scenarios to relax those they were courting…and it works, all too well.

So here is an overview into “the player”, his approach and opening:

* The girl he first speaks to (opens) is not the girl he will end up with.

*  The girl who responds first is usually the nice girl of the group, he will use this girl to filter out her friends.

* the girl who comments negatively or sarcastically will automatically be responded to with a tongue in cheek joke at her expense, her own friends will laugh at her.

This same friend will then be annoyed as to why all the attention is not on her, as per usual.

She will then ignore the conversation and look to distract herself by using her Iphone or equivalent. Angry birds anyone?

At this point the player will make another remark towards her…along the lines of, Oh, are we boring you? OR the player will utilize this moment and invite her to the Bar to get a drink. Very rarely will the target declie. She will want the attention back on herself. Curiosity will kill the cat. 

Game set and match “player” wins & most importantly the target has been isolated. Now the real fun begins. 

The next part of my blog will guide you through the one on one meet and greet and I will explain the steps to either escaping the scam or making this one your man.

Till the next time you stare deeply into my webpage.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

I want to start with this short amusing video emphasizing the relationship evolution of a man courting a women. Some of you would have already seen or heard about the following. This is a humorous outtake on what is a common relationship occurrence nowadays… enjoy.

How often do you check your text messages? More on this in a future blog. Lets get into it.

There are literally hundreds of books aimed at assisting men with the dating game. How many have you read? Most would have read zero, none, nada, niente. Yet there would be many of you that have read – “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”. Why did you read that book and what did you get from it?

I am not knocking that book or other relationship books for that matter, the more knowledge of any one subject the better-equipped one usually is to deal with that topic. I just don’t think this is the case with men, women and relationships. The internet has complicated the world. Google the word “relationship” – 770 million results. Where do you start? One book can’t hold all the answers.  Can this blog? Doubt it, but one thing it will do is give you a true insight into Men…good and the not so good.

In the last blog I discussed, “The Approach”, that one simple word. Hello. What does it all mean? That depends on who says it and how it is said.

Information Session one is about to commence, get comfy:

If you took the time to look at the survey, I asked three quick questions which many of you answered. Thank you. Let’s begin to separate the men from the “players”.

Most of you who took the survey answered the way I thought you might. You all thought that the guy who approached you and commented on your earrings and continued on was someone you found interesting. Yet the simple male who walked up and casually said “hi”, was given a cold response. This was someone you would rather avoid. Have you asked yourself why?

We have all heard that saying that nice guys finish last; you women are the reason why! You have your blinkers on, you are not seeing the big picture, and you are thinking about what makes you happy now. This instant, this bar, café, restaurant, nightspot, shopping centre. Little do you see that what may make you smile today will make you sad tomorrow. I am not asking you to settle for substandard, just take into account the bigger picture.

As there are literally thousands of books, millions of pages of relationship content, there is also the same amount of content readily available to men with the ability to utilise it to their benefit. Here’s how. Think of the following situation, you would’ve all witnessed this at some stage:

Man approaches you/your friends shyly, most likely dared by his friends. He says “hi” and awaits a reply. Occasionally you will respond with “hello” and await his next masterpiece which is usually: 

·      Do you have the time?

·      Could I ask you a question?

·      Do you come here often?

·      Haven’t I seen you here before?

Am I the only one who is dry reaching after reading the above? It’s boring, blasé, and offers nothing new to take you away from the common existence you are living. So, automatically you disregard Mr. Shy and politely or impolitely give him the cold shoulder. 

Let’s try again:

You are out with a friend, or a group of friends. A man approaches with some swagger and asks you or your friend a direct question: “ Excuse me,  I was hoping you could help me with a slight conundrum”. Women love conundrums. “My friend has been dating a girl for two months, the other night his girlfriend went to his house a saw a photo of him with his ex girlfriend still in a frame in the living room. Do you think she was wrong to ask him to take it down?” As you or your friends begin to offer an opinion, he continues, “I should make mention that she recently passed away”.


Could you turn this guy away? He seems genuine, he has a heartfelt conundrum and it would seem like he needs some female advice. Let the games begin…

I want to pose this question to you. If some random guy can approach you and ask you/your friends a question as complex as that, what makes you think that you are the only female or group of females he has asked that question to? I can guarantee you, any male who approaches and opens with an introduction like that or similar is a "player". You are just his next experiment, this is something he has or is still attempting to master.

So, how is Mr. Shy looking now? You still think he’s boring? Yep.

Next blog I will continue the player’s conversation with the group of girls. I will map out his next move…moves. You may be surprised.


This blog is for the women of the world; tell all your female friends, send them the link. On the right hand side of this page you will find the links to subscribe and follow me on twitter. Utilise them and help me help you.

If you have any questions at all…ask away below.

Thinking of you and you alone (bleh!)…


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

You say goodbye and I say hello Hello, hello ...

Now that the recap has brought those that are new to the blog up to date, let’s bring you all up to speed with the trials and tribulations of the dating game.

Note: I will emphasise the word “GAME”. You may hate the fact that I am calling it a game. “Dating shouldn’t be this hard”, I hear you say… “If he wants to play games then I don’t want to be involved”. Then I have some news for you…you’re already involved. There are very few relationships that are formed on friendship and friendship alone.

Let’s take the most romantic film of all time…

50 First Dates. – Adam Sandler. Mr. Romantic himself & Drew Barrymore.

What?! You were expecting, The Notebook? Titanic?

Nope…50 First Dates.
Okay, it really isn’t the most romantic film of all time but this film is all about “The Game.”

Short Synopsis:
One time “player” meets girl, player likes girl, player schmooze’s girl, player falls for girl, girl likes player, player is ecstatic... girl has short-term memory! Player has to do it all over again and again and again…you get the idea. In all honesty, it’s not the worst film in the world.

Even if a relationship is based on friendship, there will be a moment when one of you (boy or girl) flirts with the opposite or same sex. Now, as soon as that first fleeting flirting (say that fast 5x) moment takes place, the game has begun. Most of the time the game is played by a “Player” who is after one thing…actually two things, your contact details, and SEX. Not always in that exact order. 

These so called “players” of the game are the men that I would like most of you to try and avoid from now on. How? Well, hopefully the information I offer in this blog will allow you to see him coming and step out of the way…or slap. Your choice.

So let’s start at the start…the initial meeting. As “players” call it, the approach, the pitch or the opening.

Below is a short survey. 

In my next blog I will explain the various responses in detail and give you an insight into the various men and their various approaches. All are for a different reason and all work, it just depends on if the “players” can find the right target. Hell, this is a game after all.

I promise I will post shortly…while you wait, send this blog link to all your girlfriends. Post it on Facebook…get it out on Twitter! Speaking of which, (bad segue), any one who has a twitter account can follow me @ kentclrkreveals.

Till the next time we enjoy each other’s company…

PS – Don’t forget you can comment down below. Anonymously, if you wish. I will endeavour to answer all comments. The more I read from you and your friends, the more I/we can help each other.